Category: News.

Ever go to New Mexico? 

Does it sound like a fun trip?

The New Mexico Dahlia Society (NMDS) is ramping up their judging program and could use some help.  If you are an Accredited or Senior Judge, and will be in/near New Mexico, contact the society and see how you can help.

The society has a particular need coming up.  Here is a request from … See entire post.

57th ADS National Show (2024)

Visit beautiful Wenatchee, Washington – located in the scenic Columbia River valley on the eastern edge of the Cascade mountain range for a National Show like no other.

The Apple Capital of the World will become the Dahla Capital of North America from September 5 – 9, 2024.   The show will feature exhibits by many of the world’s top dahlia … See entire post.

Announcing – 2024 ADS Photo Contest

As your garden grows, share the beauty with other dahlia lovers and enter your photos in the 2024 ADS Photo Contest and the People’s Choice Photo Contest. The deadline for both is December 1st, 2024. This year, we will trial a photo contest application which will allow you to upload your photos to a dedicated website. Check back around October … See entire post.