2024 Trial Garden Locations and Contacts

Max and Team at Canby Trial Garden. Photo, Larry Smith.


Please note that each trial garden has its own schedule of accepting entries based on their local growing season.
Follow the guidelines for each garden.  Please send viable, healthy tubers or plants.
Reservations are essential at each of the gardens.  Please cancel reservations if you won’t be able to send entries.
Send a picture of the entry with the application.  Each entry MUST have a name submitted.

Entry forms are available in two formats:
Trial Garden Entry Form:   pdf   docx
If you send handwritten forms, please be sure they are clearly legible.


Eastern  –  New York

Michael Shukofsky    
25 Barbara Street
Elmont, New York 11003
Limit of 50 cultivars.  Make checks payable to Michael Shokofsky  Send roots or plants after May 1st.


North Central   –   Minnesota

Director: Heidi Zierdt      
19865 Evensong Court
Farmington, MN 55024

Send Tubers and Forms to:
Jerry Ziedrt  
933 Minjon Drive
Apple Valley, MN 55124
Limited to 21 entries.  Send tubers April 15.  Send plants May 1.


Midwest   –  Bonneyville Trial Garden

Steve Kuiper   
Send entries to: 
Mac Boyer   
16816 County Road 10
Bristol Indiana 46507     manorsam@aol.com   Make checks payable to Mac Boyer.
Limit of 36 cultivars.  Each originator limited to 4 entries.  Send roots by April 15th, plants by May 15th.


Canby Oregon Trial Garden

Director:   Linda Taylor    lmt_inpnw@yahoo.com
Make reservations and send entries to Mark Oldencamp
23702 S Central Point RD.
Canby OR 97013
Limit of 35 cultivars. Please make your reservations early and we do limit entries from each hybridizer.
Send roots by April 1 and plants by May 1.  Make checks payable to Portland Dahlia Society. Sorry, we can’t return tubers at the end of the season.


Pacific Northwest  –  Tacoma, WA

Terry & Bob Schroeder, email for reservations at:  theshroad@wavecable.com
Send tubers or plants to:
Metro Parks Tacoma Greenhouse
3401-C South Orchard Street
Tacoma, WA  98466
Make checks payable to: Metro Parks District
Send tubers April 15th – Plants May 1st.  Sorry we can’t return tubers at the end of the season.


Piper Creek Trial Garden

Loren McArthur     
37514 RGE RD 273, Red Deer County, AB.   Canada  T3E 1N1
Limit of 30 cultivars.  Send tubers April 1 to 15 for greenhouse for planting out June 1 – 7.


Mid-Atlantic Trial Garden

John Spangenberg   
PO Box 146
Damascus, MD 20872
Limit of 7 cultivars.  Make checks payable to National Capitol Dahlia Society
Send tubers April 15th. Send plants May 1st.


Inland Empire – Spokane, WA

Sally Colwell 
Email: salgalj@comcast.net
2929 S Waterford Dr #309
Spokane, WA 99203

Limit 0f 34 cultivars.  Please send tubers starting April 15th, plants starting May 1,
Make checks payable to: Inland Empire Dahlia Society


Trial Garden Rules

  1. See the Classification and Handbook of Dahlias for complete Trial garden rules.
  2. Only undisseminated cultivars will be accepted for trial.
  3. A fee of $15 is required for each entry.
  4. Varieties sent must be in their third or greater year.
  5. Cultivars may only be entered for two consecutive years.
  6. Stock will be destroyed at the end of the season unless originator requests return. If the garden can accommodate the request, an additional fee of $10 plus shipping is required.
  7. Solid colored sports of variegated cultivars are not eligible for entry.
  8. Medal winners must be disseminated the following season. Inform the Trial Garden Director if dissemination plans change.