3 Search results

For the term "cheap".
Two Organic Additives For Your Garden That Are FREE!!

Two Organic Additives For Your Garden That Are FREE!!

Fall Leaves

Fall is the time we can do our gardens a BIG favor! Rather than rake the leaves up, put them in a plastic bag and send them off to the dump, why not take this free organic additive and spread it on our garden plots. It’s FREE and very helpful to our soil. By adding this organic matter … See entire post.

My Journey to Organic Gardening

My Journey to Organic Gardening

I was not pleased with my dahlias the last few years and even after winning a number of head table awards I was sure the dahlias should have been bigger and more colorful. I was at a loss- I had used just about every combination of chemical fertilizer and jumped at any new chemical that promised to kill all of … See entire post.

Ruminations of a Dahlia Tuber

Ruminations of a Dahlia Tuber

Wha-at! I think I have been reborn again! I can only hope this next life is better than my last. I cannot recall how many lives I have had, but it seems more than most, possibly by luck and good caregivers. Many other tubers are not so fortunate. Some tubers are merely dug up and thrown into a large can. … See entire post.