Starting this year and going forward, ADS will no longer print the local society show reports in a Supplement to the December Bulletin. We have made this decision for many reasons, some of which are:
- the supplement would be a month later since the Bulletin now comes out in January
- the printing and postage costs for the supplement have become prohibitive
- the supplement format limited the number of prizes and the number of shows that could be reported
- the supplement provided no opportunity for pictures
In lieu of the supplement, we are happy to provide an online report.
Thanks to all the societies that provided reports and pictures. We had pretty good participation.
Thanks also to the Online Reporting Team, Donna Lane (proofreading), Jessica Becker (cover design), Linda Holmes-Cook (advisor), and Sharon Swaney (formatting). Many, many hours went into producing this report.
As mentioned above we had the opportunity to include some pictures and some verbiage. We hope these additions highlight for you what makes each society unique and special. Pictures that were submitted but not included in the report will be made available in a photo gallery.
Click here or on the picture to open the report. This report is probably best read on a larger screen (as opposed to a tablet or a phone). The report is a pdf file with bookmarks. You may, depending on your chosen pdf reader, use the features of the pdf reader to increase the size and format of the report on the screen – a nice benefit on a data dense report such as this.
Enjoy reviewing the 2022 Dahlia Show season!