Navigating a Gallery/Album


  • A gallery is a group of pictures.
  • An album contains one or more galleries.
  • A thumbnail is a miniature of a picture.
  • Hover means to position your curser over an area on the screen.

An album/gallery has two types of pages:

  1. A grid page, which shows thumbnails of the pictures in a gallery, or a thumbnail to represent each gallery in a album
  2. A page with a full size picture.

If you are on a grid page for a gallery, click on a picture to get the full size image.  If you are on the grid page for an album, click on the thumbnail that represents a gallery to go to that gallery’s grid page.   If you are on a device with a mouse, you can “hover” over a thumbnail for more information.

If you are on a page with a full size picture, there will be “back” and “next” buttons below the picture so that you can move from full size picture to full size picture.  To go back to the thumbnails, look for an “X” in the upper right of the page.  

Please note:  If you are navigating through full sized pictures using the arrow keys you can only do this one page at a time.  So, if a gallery has multiple pages of pictures, you can look through the full sized images for the first page and then you will need to go back to the thumbnails and move to the next page, click on the first image for that page and use the arrows to see full sized pics on that page … and so forth.

Try it! Navigating a gallery or album is much easier than it sounds!