2024 Hart, Dudley, and Gullikson Awards

The Derrill W. Hart medal

Awarded to the cultivar that has the highest average trial garden score in the accredited trial gardens located across the United States and Canada during the previous year as an AA/A; B; BB; M; Ball/Miniature Ball/Pompon; ST/NX; and Waterlily. The highest three scores shall be used to determine such highest average. In case of ties, duplicate awards will be awarded.

Cultivar NameCultivar DescriptionHybridized by

Allen's Bella (photo H. Ramsay)

Allen's BellaA ID PRAllen Manuel
Allen's Heatwave (photo H. Ramsay)

Allen's Heatwave (photo H. Ramsay)

Allen's HeatwaveB SC OAllen Manuel

DS Doris (photo Schroeders)

DS DorisBB FD DRD. Smith

Sandia Mace (photo Schroeders)

Sandia MaceM C R

Allen's Phoenix (photo Schroeders)

Allen's PhoenixST-OAllen Manuel


The Lynn B. Dudley medal

Awarded to the cultivar that has the highest average seedling bench evaluation score as an AA/A; B; BB; M; Ball/Miniature Ball/ Pompon; ST/NX; and Waterlily). The highest three scores awarded at the approximately 70 member society shows in the United States and Canada shall be used to determine such highest average. In case of ties, duplicate awards will be awarded.

Cultivar NameCultivar DescriptionHybridized by

Large Winner - Allen's' Bella

Allen's BellaA ID PurpleAllen Manuel

Medium Winner - Eden Inga

Eden IngaB SC OrangeLou Paradise

Small winner - Eden Lillian

Eden LillianBB IC YellowLou Paradise

Miniature Winner - Eden Alice

Eden AliceM FD WhiteLou Paradise

Ball Winner - Eden Sunday Steve

Eden Sunday SteveBA Dark PinkLou Paradise

The Evie Gullikson medal

Awarded to the cultivar that has the highest average Seedling Bench Evaluation score and the cultivar with the highest average Trial Garden score as an open center or disc center.

Cultivar NameCultivar DescriptionHybridized by

Single Winner - RaeAnn's Tiger's Eye

RaeAnn's Tiger's EyeS Dark BlendWayne Lobaugh

TG Winner

Kelsey O'NerkaMS Dark Blend (DP/R)Colin Walker

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